What Therapists Need to Know about Chronic Pain
In a world where their pain and experiences are so often invisible, people living with chronic pain yearn to be seen and heard. The endless search for diagnoses, treatment, and emotional support can leave people depressed, exhausted, and isolated. If you have ever treated a person who lives with chronic pain, you may have been […]
Men In Pain: How Ideals of Masculinity Harm Men With Chronic Pain
Take it like a man. Man up. These phrases evoke images of strong, stoic men, rising above circumstances and absorbing punishment without blinking. Men who don’t allow pain or emotions to get in their way of “getting the job done”. The dog in the comic? He’s taking it like a man. The house is on […]
Chronic Pain & Sex: Reclaiming Our Sexuality
“Treat cultural messages about sex and your body like a salad bar. Take only the things that appeal to you and ignore the rest. We’ll all end up with a different collection of stuff on our plates, but that’s how it’s supposed to work. It goes wrong only when you try to apply what you […]
Chronic Pain & Sex: The Myth And Shame Of Sexual Normativity
You know that scene in what seems like every movie of all time? The one where the main character and their love interest start passionately making out, knocking over glasses, bumping into walls, and frantically discarding their clothing as they head for the bedroom? Then, with literally zero foreplay, they’re suddenly having sex and within […]