Reflections from Liat Barzilai, a Group Facilitator

The meetings did not relieve the pain, but they alleviated the loneliness.

Chronic pain hurts our  quality of life, and for some reason it is accepted as routine.
Disrespect, indifference and impatience have become accepted responses for those dealing with chronic pain.
Physical experiences become wrapped up in psychological experiences, and create a brutal entanglement, or, as LTP calls it, a “pain trap”.
The pain trap affects interpersonal and professional relationships, and perhaps the most painfully, the relationship we have with ourselves.
Doubts that gnaw, painful questions such as: Am I exaggerating? Am I just being dramatic? Unpleasant emotions of shame, guilt and anger that rob us of the ability to breathe freely.
7 women, 2 facilitators, 16 weekly sessions: a group for women living with chronic pain.
The meetings did not relieve the pain, but they alleviated the loneliness; the togetherness infused a lot of strength.
Looking at each other with kindness and compassion, and connectedness which expanded from week to week, allowed each of the participants to remember who she was beneath the layers of pain.

Liat Barzilai, LTP Group Facilitator 
Liat is a certified trauma therapist who combines a variety of therapeutic approaches in her treatment, including Expressive Therapies, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), Psychodrama, Schema Therapy, and Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT).  

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